How Much Is the 2018 Bowman Chrome Shohei Ohtani Superfractor Autograph Going to Sell For?

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What’s the 2018 Bowman Chrome Shohei Ohtani Superfractor autograph going to sell for (if at all)? That’s the million dollar question. Or, at least, the $60,000 question.

That’s the standing offer for the card from Blowout Cards’ Thomas Fish.

2018 Bowman Chrome Shohei Ohtani Superfractor Autograph

He made the offer public his website. But it comes with a couple of conditions. First, it has to get graded at least a BGS 9.5. Second, it must be delivered by May 11.

But that doesn’t mean there won’t be other offers for the card out there either.

The Hunt for the 2018 Bowman Chrome Shohei Ohtani Superfractor Autograph

With a nod of the hat to Willy Wonka, let the hunt begin.

(Or, if you want to be a little more hip, a virtual James Halliday high five would suffice, too.)

The Shohei Ohtani Superfractor is the key card most will be dreaming of landing in 2018 Bowman Baseball. It’s a one-of-a-kind parallel to Ohtani’s regular Bowman Chrome Rookie Autograph in the product.

2018 Bowman Baseball Hobby Box

Ever since the 2010 Bowman Chrome Stephen Strasburg Superfractor, the one-of-one cards have emerged as some of the most coveted in the hobby, particularly when it comes to baseball. The Strasburg, which wasn’t autographed, sold for more than $20,000 at one point during the peak of Strasburg’s rookie season.

Since then, other big rookie and prospect Superfractor sales have included Yasiel Puig, Jose Abreu and Kris Bryant. All originally sold for more than $10,000.

The 2018 Bowman Chrome Shohei Ohtani Superfractor autograph has the added appeal of an international audience. While the two-way player has provided plenty of drama and excitement early in 2018, Ohtani will forever be a superstar in Japan. That makes the potential market for the card that much bigger.

It’s also going to make the hunt that much bigger — especially with a high bounty on it already.

And in case you were wondering why the prices of 2018 Bowman Baseball hobby boxes are so high out of the gate, this explains some of it.

If you pulled the 2018 Bowman Chrome Shohei Ohtani Superfractor autograph, would you take the $60,000 offer? Try and get more? Keep it? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter with #Shoperfractor.

Comments? Questions? Contact Ryan Cracknell on Twitter @tradercracks or by email.

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Ryan Cracknell

A collector for much of his life, Ryan focuses primarily on building sets, Montreal Expos and interesting cards. He's also got one of the most comprehensive collections of John Jaha cards in existence (not that there are a lot of them). Want to get in touch? Drop him an email.

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  1. RJ 24 April, 2018 at 10:27

    I’d probably sell it and use a small portion of the proceeds to buy a regular auto version.

  2. Larry 24 April, 2018 at 14:38

    Sell it for sure. But I don’t believe it will be found before his deadline, this product is too expensive to get broken that quick.

  3. Robert S. 24 April, 2018 at 23:26

    sell right away by letting it ride on the auction site with a minimum $60K bid as I think someone will pay more than that for it.

  4. Richard 25 April, 2018 at 12:48

    Sell it and get a nice card of pretty much every HOF player ever. 10 years from now, Babe Ruth will still be Babe Ruth, who knows what will happen with this guy?

  5. Ken 1 May, 2018 at 03:58

    When I pull it I will show it off, but I won’t sell it because I don’t need the money.

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