2018 Leaf Metal Perfect Game All-American Baseball Checklist and Details

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2018 Leaf Metal Perfect Game All-American Baseball is all-autographs featuring many of the country’s top high school players. Like past Perfect Game sets, it challenges collectors to play a long game with prospecting. For some, it might be a few years before they’re even drafted let alone finding a spot on a major league roster.

2018 Leaf Metal Perfect Game Gold Super

Boxes have eight total autograph cards, which come in a few different forms.

Metal Autographs are the main part of the product. Besides have numerous colorful parallels, there are also variations that use Wave backgrounds. Variations and their parallels have no more than 12 copies each.

Patch Autographs and Quad Patch Autographs add some memorabilia to 2018 Leaf Metal Perfect Game All-American Baseball. In addition to regular patches, swatches include flags, brand logos and more. No matter the type, patch autographs are numbered to 8 or less.

Gameday Autographs (/5 or less) are similar to the cards handed out at the game itself.

2018 Leaf Metal Perfect Game All-American Baseball has a production run of 109 cases, each holding 15 boxes.

2018 Leaf Metal Perfect Game All-American Baseball cards at a glance:

Cards per pack: 8
Packs per box: 1
Boxes per case: 15
Release date: April 19, 2019

What to expect in a hobby box:

  • Autograph Patch Cards – 1
  • Additional Autographs – 7

2018 Leaf Metal Perfect Game All-American Baseball Checklist

Direct Autographs

52 cards.


Black – /4
Blue – /3
Red – /2
Printing Plates – 1/1 (each has Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow versions; distributed as bonus and not in packs)

DI-AV1 Anthony Volpe /5
DI-BM1 Brennan Malone /5
DI-BO1 Bryce Osmond /5
DI-BWJ Bobby Witt Jr. /5
DI-CC1 Corbin Carroll /5
DI-CD1 Cade Doughty /5
DI-CH1 Cole Hinkelman /5
DI-CJA CJ Abrams /5
DI-CW1 Connor Walsh /5
DI-DD1 Derek Diamond /5
DI-DE1 Daniel Espino /5
DI-DH1 Damone Hale Jr. /5
DI-DI1 Matthew Allan /5
DI-DI2 Mack Anglin /5
DI-DI3 Myles Austin /5
DI-DN1 Dawson Netz /5
DI-DP1 Darius Perry /5
DI-ED1 Emanuel Dean /5
DI-ER1 Erik Rivera /5
DI-GF1 Garrett Frechette /5
DI-GH1 Gunnar Henderson /5
DI-HB1 Hunter Barco /5
DI-HD1 Hayden Dunhurst /5
DI-HG1 Henry Gargus /5
DI-HH1 Hylan Hall /5
DI-HM1 Hayden Mullins /5

DI-HT1 Hayden Travinski /5
DI-JB1 Jaden Brown /5
DI-JC1 Joe Charles /5
DI-JE1 Jerrion Ealy /5
DI-JF1 Jud Fabian /5
DI-JJG JJ Goss /5
DI-JL1 Jack Leiter /5
DI-KW1 Kendall Williams /5
DI-LB1 Logan Britt /5
DI-LS1 Landon Sims /5
DI-LT1 Logan Tanner /5
DI-MB1 Mahki Backstrom /5
DI-MH1 Maurice Hampton Jr. /5
DI-ML1 Matthew Lugo /5
DI-MT1 Matt Thompson /5
DI-NN1 Nasim Nunez /5
DI-NS1 Nathan Stevens /5
DI-QP1 Quinn Priester /5
DI-RC1 Riley Cornelio /4
DI-RG1 Riley Greene /5
DI-RH1 Rece Hinds /5
DI-SF3 Trey Faltine /5
DI-SJ1 Spencer Jones /5
DI-TC1 Tyler Callihan /5
DI-WR1 Will Rigney /5
DI-WS1 Wes Scott /5

Gameday Autographs

52 cards.


Black – /4
Blue – /3
Red – /2
Purple – 1/1
Printing Plates – 1/1 (each has Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow versions; distributed as bonus and not in packs)

GD-AV1 Anthony Volpe /5
GD-BM1 Brennan Malone /5
GD-BO1 Bryce Osmond /5
GD-BWJ Bobby Witt Jr. /5
GD-CC1 Corbin Carroll /5
GD-CD1 Cade Doughty /5
GD-CH1 Cole Hinkelman /5
GD-CJA CJ Abrams /5
GD-CW1 Connor Walsh /5
GD-DD1 Derek Diamond /5
GD-DE1 Daniel Espino /5
GD-DH1 Damone Hale Jr. /5
GD-DI1 Matthew Allan /5
GD-DI2 Mack Anglin /5
GD-DI3 Myles Austin /5
GD-DN1 Dawson Netz /5
GD-DP1 Darius Perry /5
GD-ED1 Emanuel Dean /5
GD-ER1 Erik Rivera /5
GD-GF1 Garrett Frechette /5
GD-GH1 Gunnar Henderson /5
GD-HB1 Hunter Barco /5
GD-HD1 Hayden Dunhurst /5
GD-HG1 Henry Gargus /3
GD-HH1 Hylan Hall /5
GD-HM1 Hayden Mullins 1/1

GD-HT1 Hayden Travinski /5
GD-JB1 Jaden Brown /5
GD-JC1 Joe Charles /5
GD-JE1 Jerrion Ealy /5
GD-JF1 Jud Fabian /5
GD-JJG JJ Goss /2
GD-JL1 Jack Leiter /5
GD-KW1 Kendall Williams /5
GD-LB1 Logan Britt /5
GD-LS1 Landon Sims /5
GD-LT1 Logan Tanner /5
GD-MB1 Mahki Backstrom /5
GD-MH1 Maurice Hampton Jr. /5
GD-ML1 Matthew Lugo /5
GD-MT1 Matt Thompson /5
GD-NN1 Nasim Nunez /5
GD-NS1 Nathan Stevens /5
GD-QP1 Quinn Priester /5
GD-RC1 Riley Cornelio /3
GD-RG1 Riley Greene /5
GD-RH1 Rece Hinds /5
GD-SF3 Trey Faltine /5
GD-SJ1 Spencer Jones /5
GD-TC1 Tyler Callihan /5
GD-WR1 Will Rigney /5
GD-WS1 Wes Scott /5

Metal Autographs Flag Etch

52 cards.


Blue – /10
Purple – /8
Pink – /6
Black – /5
Green – /4
Red – /3
Gold – /2
Gold Super – 1/1
Orange – 1/1

BA-AV1 Anthony Volpe /12
BA-BM1 Brennan Malone /12
BA-BO1 Bryce Osmond /12
BA-BWJ Bobby Witt Jr. /12
BA-CC1 Corbin Carroll /12
BA-CD1 Cade Doughty /12
BA-CH1 Cole Hinkelman /12
BA-CJA CJ Abrams /12
BA-CW1 Connor Walsh /12
BA-DD1 Derek Diamond /12
BA-DE1 Daniel Espino /12
BA-DH1 Damone Hale Jr. /12
BA-DN1 Dawson Netz /12
BA-DP1 Darius Perry /12
BA-ED1 Emanuel Dean /12
BA-ER1 Erik Rivera /12
BA-GF1 Garrett Frechette /12
BA-GH1 Gunnar Henderson /12
BA-HB1 Hunter Barco /12
BA-HD1 Hayden Dunhurst /12
BA-HG1 Henry Gargus /12
BA-HH1 Hylan Hall /12
BA-HM1 Hayden Mullins /12
BA-HT1 Hayden Travinski /12
BA-JB1 Jaden Brown /12
BA-JC1 Joe Charles /12

BA-JE1 Jerrion Ealy /12
BA-JF1 Jud Fabian /12
BA-JJG JJ Goss /12
BA-JL1 Jack Leiter /12
BA-KW1 Kendall Williams /12
BA-LB1 Logan Britt /12
BA-LS1 Landon Sims /12
BA-LT1 Logan Tanner /12
BA-MA1 Matthew Allan /12
BA-MA2 Mack Anglin /12
BA-MA3 Myles Austin /12
BA-MB1 Mahki Backstrom /12
BA-MH1 Maurice Hampton Jr. /12
BA-ML1 Matthew Lugo /12
BA-MT1 Matt Thompson /12
BA-NN1 Nasim Nunez /12
BA-NS1 Nathan Stevens /12
BA-QP1 Quinn Priester /12
BA-RC1 Riley Cornelio /12
BA-RG1 Riley Greene /12
BA-RH1 Rece Hinds /12
BA-SF3 Trey Faltine /12
BA-SJ1 Spencer Jones /12
BA-TC1 Tyler Callihan /12
BA-WR1 Will Rigney /12
BA-WS1 Wes Scott /12

Metal Autographs PG Etch

52 cards.


Blue – /30
Purple – /25
Pink – /20
Black – /15
Green – /10
Red – /5
Orange – /2
Gold – 1/1
Gold Super – 1/1
Printing Plates – 1/1 (each has Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow versions; distributed as bonus and not in packs)

BA-AV1 Anthony Volpe
BA-BM1 Brennan Malone
BA-BO1 Bryce Osmond
BA-BWJ Bobby Witt Jr.
BA-CC1 Corbin Carroll
BA-CD1 Cade Doughty
BA-CH1 Cole Hinkelman
BA-CJA CJ Abrams
BA-CW1 Connor Walsh
BA-DD1 Derek Diamond
BA-DE1 Daniel Espino
BA-DH1 Damone Hale Jr.
BA-DN1 Dawson Netz
BA-DP1 Darius Perry
BA-ED1 Emanuel Dean
BA-ER1 Erik Rivera
BA-GF1 Garrett Frechette
BA-GH1 Gunnar Henderson
BA-HB1 Hunter Barco
BA-HD1 Hayden Dunhurst
BA-HG1 Henry Gargus
BA-HH1 Hylan Hall
BA-HM1 Hayden Mullins
BA-HT1 Hayden Travinski
BA-JB1 Jaden Brown
BA-JC1 Joe Charles

BA-JE1 Jerrion Ealy
BA-JF1 Jud Fabian
BA-JL1 Jack Leiter
BA-KW1 Kendall Williams
BA-LB1 Logan Britt
BA-LS1 Landon Sims
BA-LT1 Logan Tanner
BA-MA1 Matthew Allan
BA-MA2 Mack Anglin
BA-MA3 Myles Austin
BA-MB1 Mahki Backstrom
BA-MH1 Maurice Hampton Jr.
BA-ML1 Matthew Lugo
BA-MT1 Matt Thompson
BA-NN1 Nasim Nunez
BA-NS1 Nathan Stevens
BA-QP1 Quinn Priester
BA-RC1 Riley Cornelio
BA-RG1 Riley Greene
BA-RH1 Rece Hinds
BA-SF3 Trey Faltine
BA-SJ1 Spencer Jones
BA-TC1 Tyler Callihan
BA-WR1 Will Rigney
BA-WS1 Wes Scott

Patch Autographs

52 cards.


Pink – /5
Orange – /4
Platinum – /3
Lavender – /2
Charcoal – 1/1
Gold – 1/1
Printing Plates – 1/1 (each has Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow versions; distributed as bonus and not in packs)

PA-AV1 Anthony Volpe /8
PA-BM1 Brennan Malone /8
PA-BO1 Bryce Osmond /8
PA-BWJ Bobby Witt Jr. /8
PA-CC1 Corbin Carroll /8
PA-CD1 Cade Doughty /8
PA-CH1 Cole Hinkelman /8
PA-CJA CJ Abrams /8
PA-CW1 Connor Walsh /8
PA-DD1 Derek Diamond /8
PA-DE1 Daniel Espino /8
PA-DH1 Damone Hale Jr. /8
PA-DN1 Dawson Netz /8
PA-DP1 Darius Perry /8
PA-ED1 Emanuel Dean /8
PA-ER1 Erik Rivera /8
PA-GF1 Garrett Frechette /8
PA-GH1 Gunnar Henderson /8
PA-HB1 Hunter Barco /8
PA-HD1 Hayden Dunhurst /8
PA-HG1 Henry Gargus /8
PA-HH1 Hylan Hall /8
PA-HM1 Hayden Mullins /8
PA-HT1 Hayden Travinski /8
PA-JB1 Jaden Brown /8
PA-JC1 Joe Charles /8

PA-JE1 Jerrion Ealy /8
PA-JF1 Jud Fabian /8
PA-JJG JJ Goss /8
PA-JL1 Jack Leiter /8
PA-KW1 Kendall Williams /8
PA-LB1 Logan Britt /8
PA-LS1 Landon Sims /8
PA-LT1 Logan Tanner /8
PA-MA1 Matthew Allan /8
PA-MA2 Mack Anglin /8
PA-MA3 Myles Austin /8
PA-MB1 Mahki Backstrom /8
PA-MH1 Maurice Hampton Jr. /8
PA-ML1 Matthew Lugo /8
PA-MT1 Matt Thompson /8
PA-NN1 Nasim Nunez /8
PA-NS1 Nathan Stevens /8
PA-QP1 Quinn Priester /8
PA-RC1 Riley Cornelio /8
PA-RG1 Riley Greene /8
PA-RH1 Rece Hinds /8
PA-SF3 Trey Faltine /8
PA-SJ1 Spencer Jones /8
PA-TC1 Tyler Callihan /8
PA-WR1 Will Rigney /8
PA-WS1 Wes Scott /8

Quad Patch Autographs

52 cards.


Platinum – /3
Lavender – /2
Charcoal – 1/1
Gold – 1/1
Printing Plates – 1/1 (each has Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow versions; distributed as bonus and not in packs)

MA-AV1 Anthony Volpe /4
MA-BM1 Brennan Malone /4
MA-BO1 Bryce Osmond /4
MA-BWJ Bobby Witt Jr. /4
MA-CC1 Corbin Carroll /4
MA-CD1 Cade Doughty /4
MA-CH1 Cole Hinkelman /4
MA-CJA CJ Abrams /4
MA-CW1 Connor Walsh /4
MA-DD1 Derek Diamond /4
MA-DE1 Daniel Espino /4
MA-DH1 Damone Hale Jr. /4
MA-DN1 Dawson Netz /4
MA-DP1 Darius Perry /4
MA-ED1 Emanuel Dean /4
MA-ER1 Erik Rivera /4
MA-GF1 Garrett Frechette /4
MA-GH1 Gunnar Henderson /4
MA-HB1 Hunter Barco /4
MA-HD1 Hayden Dunhurst /4
MA-HG1 Henry Gargus /4
MA-HH1 Hylan Hall /4
MA-HM1 Hayden Mullins /4
MA-HT1 Hayden Travinski /4
MA-JB1 Jaden Brown /4
MA-JC1 Joe Charles /4

MA-JE1 Jerrion Ealy /4
MA-JF1 Jud Fabian /4
MA-JJG JJ Goss /4
MA-JL1 Jack Leiter /4
MA-KW1 Kendall Williams /4
MA-LB1 Logan Britt /4
MA-LS1 Landon Sims /4
MA-LT1 Logan Tanner /4
MA-MA1 Matthew Allan /4
MA-MA2 Mack Anglin /4
MA-MA3 Myles Austin /4
MA-MB1 Mahki Backstrom /4
MA-MH1 Maurice Hampton Jr. /4
MA-ML1 Matthew Lugo /4
MA-MT1 Matt Thompson /4
MA-NN1 Nasim Nunez /4
MA-NS1 Nathan Stevens /4
MA-QP1 Quinn Priester /4
MA-RC1 Riley Cornelio /4
MA-RG1 Riley Greene /4
MA-RH1 Rece Hinds /4
MA-SF3 Trey Faltine /4
MA-SJ1 Spencer Jones /4
MA-TC1 Tyler Callihan /4
MA-WR1 Will Rigney /4
MA-WS1 Wes Scott /4

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Ryan Cracknell

A collector for much of his life, Ryan focuses primarily on building sets, Montreal Expos and interesting cards. He's also got one of the most comprehensive collections of John Jaha cards in existence (not that there are a lot of them). Want to get in touch? Drop him an email.

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