Fat Packs Episode 327 Featuring Project 55

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On this week’s episode, Eric is reunited with Derek Ficken bringing the show full circle back to the days of Beckett Radio. First, they give a quick preview on the Houston TriStar show taking place this weekend including a rundown of the signers who are appearing. Next, Derek is kind of reintroduced to the show for those who might not be familiar with him and he has takes on grading, the current market, and more hobby insight for collectors to think about. Finally, Tom from Project 55 joins the show to talk about his incredible Tim Lincecum collection. Hear how he got started, what his plans are now that he can focus solely on collecting and not college papers, and how he finally ended up with the holy grail of Lincecum pieces. All that plus new products and pricing, a statement from Jeromy Murray, and more, this week on The Fat Packs Podcast.

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Eric Norton

Eric has been collecting cards since he was seven, buying singles with his allowance from the lone card shop in his hometown of Springtown, TX. Currently, Eric’s collecting interest revolve around picking up cards he had in his childhood that he let go of at some point, and Seattle Mariners third basemen, Kyle Seager.

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