Jack Johnson: Flawed Champion, Affordable to Collect

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Arguably the greatest fighter of his time, Jack Johnson had his issues outside of the ring. But nobody could argue his contributions inside it. In the early 1900s, boxing was one of the most important sports in the world. Many would not believe this today but its popularity rivaled that of baseball. As an emerging sport, it would swell to even greater levels of importance in the 1920s and 1930s with fighters such as Jack Dempsey, Gene Tunney, and Joe Louis, coming onto the scene. Before that, however, there was Jack Johnson. Johnson was arguably the greatest fighter of his…

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Anson Whaley

A lifelong collector, Anson’s collecting focus is on pre-war sports cards and in building sets. He’s also a closet Dwight Gooden and wrestling Rookie Card collector. Got a question or want to get in touch? You can reach him by email and through Twitter @PreWarCards or @GoodenCollector.

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