Michael Jordan 16-autograph Exquisite card surfaces

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By Susan Lulgjuraj | Beckett Basketball Editor

The Michael Jordan 16-autograph card was pulled from 2012-13 Exquisite Collection Basketball on Wednesday night.

The Jordan was the final of 16x autograph cards to surface. It was pulled by Dan’s Sports Cards on Breakers.tv.

The Jordan card features MJ’s signature 16 times, all with a different picture of him. That’s 16 Michael Jordan autographs on one card.

The LeBron James 16x autograph was pulled on the first day of Exquisite’s release and immediately put on eBay. The auction finished at $7,500.

Currently, two 16-autograph cards with many NBA greats (and no duplicate autographs) are on eBay here and here.

If the Jordan ends up on eBay, how much do you think it would sell for?

16X autographs: What do you think?

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Susan Lulgjuraj is an editor at Beckett Media. You can email her here with questions, comments or ideas. Follow her on Twitter here. Follow Beckett Media on Facebook and Twitter.

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  1. Ryan Kent Jr 5 December, 2013 at 08:40

    As we had talked about on the show with the lebron, isnt this a little over done? Like really? 16 autos of a star player on one card? Wouldnt we rather have 15 more autographs of that player in the product, especially a guy like MJ.

  2. HeMan 5 December, 2013 at 08:57

    Ryan, I think your point is what makes the card that much more valuable and sought after. It’s hard enough to pull one Jordan let alone 16 at once. Sweet card!

  3. Jason Taylor 5 December, 2013 at 09:28

    This is honestly one of the dumbest ideas ever for a card. Really, what’s the draw? Why in the world would more of the same be better? I mean, I like a slice of pumpkin pie every once in while, but eating the entire pie at once is ridiculous.

  4. Lou 5 December, 2013 at 09:40

    I don’t collect Basketball but saw a Jordan Hot pack of Exquisite pulled on Liveboxbreaks.net and would rather have that than this. It’s ugly and it’s overkill.

  5. Pacrimcollect 5 December, 2013 at 09:47

    If it’s like most big pulls the last couple years whatever it ends for will not be the true price because it won’t get paid for the first time.

  6. jomhel01 5 December, 2013 at 11:02

    All I can say ITs A MONSTER HiT!!!!!! And this will go 100K , alot of Rich People who collects out there..

  7. YeWorma 5 December, 2013 at 12:03

    Hey guys! I was the lucky winner of this card last night at Dan’s Breakers.tv Wednesday show. I’m still shaking.

  8. Corky 5 December, 2013 at 23:53

    I think most collectors would prefer to see 16 individual cards with Jordan autographs, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see this card hit between $10k-12k.

  9. Mike 19 July, 2016 at 13:28

    It’s great for somebody who has the desire to know if a Jordan signature could be real or not without going through an authenticator
    With 16 signatures it really gives you a feel for how much variations that can be in somebody’s autograph .
    I’ve had ones I’ve gotten myself in person sent back to me from PSA as not authentic

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