New Garbage Pail Kids series inspired by cards of old

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By Susan Lulgjuraj | Contributing Editor

ALLENTOWN, Pa. | Topps is returning this year with a new series of Garbage Pail Kids.

The last original series came out in 2007, according to Topps Editor Colin Walton. Since then, Topps has produced Garbage Pail Kids Flashbacks, reliving some of the old cards we loved as children.

The new set is going to be fun and inspired by the cards of old.

“We’re trying to keep the art and type of jokes more similar to the original ’80s cards,” Walton said. “The Flashbacks do really well for us. I liked the old feel.”

The cards will be on sale in October and be released in retail and hobby shops.

Here’s a gallery of some of the drawings Walton brought to the Philly Non-Sports Card Show last weekend.

Susan Lulgjuraj is a contributing editor for Beckett Media. You can email Susan here. Follow her on Twitter here.

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  1. bill johnson 25 April, 2012 at 11:48

    these were my favorite non sports cards back in the early 80’s. i believe i have the first 3 sets somewhere in my card collection.

  2. manny 25 April, 2012 at 15:32

    Must have!!! Can you tell me the release date for these? Are they going to be sold in Target or Walmart?
    Or only in non sports card stores?

  3. Susan Lulgjuraj 26 April, 2012 at 11:10

    I updated the story with the information. Cards will be sold in October and be in both hobby and retail.


  4. Mike 29 July, 2012 at 22:35

    I’am really looking forward to this new set. The petitioners are never going to be satisfied with anything so they are totally worth ignoring, if you are a true GPK fan then dont sign the petition. I hate unreasonable people.

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